Deep Calls to Deep

Inclusive Spiritual Direction in the Jungian Tradition

“Deep calls to deep upon the waters…”

- The Psalmist

Our spiritual journeys are unique. They run the duration of our lives and stretch into eternity. Some journeys have twists and turns with many starts and stops. Many have memorable moments of exaltation or serenity that guide us on our way. Most of us journey through times of boredom and seasons of dryness that make it difficult to move forward. All of us feel lost at times, unsure of the path that lies ahead. Regardless of where you've been, your journey has led you here. And you need not journey alone. Deep Calls to Deep Inclusive Spiritual Direction is here to walk with you into the future The Divine has for you. The Good News: It is a future filled with hope and purpose. 

Get started with DCTD, today.