Spiritual Direction 101

Spiritual Direction is an intentional, cooperative journey focused on self-exploration, theo-spiritual formation, discernment, and personal growth. Though Spiritual Direction seeks healing in body, mind, spirit, and community, it should not be confused with pastoral counseling, professional counseling, psychiatry, or any other licensed medical, therapeutic, or professional service. A Spiritual Director is a "soul friend" that meets you where you are and walks with you into the future The Divine has for you. Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, Deep Calls to Deep is committed to moving forward together.

Despite the unique, dynamic, evolving nature of the Spiritual Direction relationship, there is a shared path in the Spiritual Direction journey. After all, the human experience is both highly personal and deeply communal. In truth, we are intimately connected to The Divine and to one another across time and space. On its most fundamental level, Spiritual Direction seeks to inform and inspire us to walk our journey with God and with one another as our deepest, truest selves.

Forward together.

Each and every spiritual journey is unique. For this reason, every Spiritual Direction relationship is unique. It is at its core a relationship in process characterized by change, growth, and adaptation. None the less, there are some common themes that emerge in the Spiritual Direction process. Many people undergo Spiritual Direction to

  • Learn or Deepen Spiritual Practices

  • Engage in Directed Spiritual Inquiry

  • Discern an Important Question or Life Decision

  • Talk About Life's Big Questions

  • Find Meaning in Creative Expression, Stories, or Nature

  • Craft Narrative Explanations of Our Lived Experiences