Some Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to belong to a particular religious or spiritual tradition to undergo Spiritual Direction?

Nope! All persons of goodwill who come to Spiritual Direction with   an open heart and open mind will find Spiritual Direction to be a   meaningful experience.

If I come to Spiritual Direction from a deeply held religious or spiritual tradition, will it be respected?

Of course! Persons from all religious traditions (and none) are welcome just as they are.

I am spiritual but not religious. Is Spiritual Direction still an option for me?

Absolutely! People come to Spiritual Direction from a variety of religious traditions and none. Your Spiritual Director will not attempt   to convert you or alter your religious or spiritual beliefs. All are   welcome just as they are.

I am a Queer person. Will Spiritual Direction be a "safe space" for me?

A resounding yes! Your Spiritual Director not only welcomes but celebrates persons across the Queer spectrum.

Is Spiritual Direction difficult?

Honestly, yes. It may be the most difficult thing you've ever done. While it is rarely easy, it is always worth it. If it is any consolation, most people describe their experience of Spiritual Direction as "life changing." None the less, Spiritual Direction can be spiritually and emotionally challenging at times… but it is also incredibly rewarding.

How long are Spiritual Direction sessions? How often do we meet? How long does it last?

Spiritual Direction sessions last anywhere from 50-90 minutes. We   meet either weekly, every two weeks, or once a month. How long does Spiritual Direction last? It's hard to say. Some people are in Spiritual Direction for a few months. Others are in Spiritual Direction for a number of years.

Is there a cost associated with Spiritual Direction?

Yes. Fees are set on a sliding scale ($25-$50 per 50-minute session).   Spiritual Direction is very affordable for most and no one is ever turned away due to an inability to pay. Your Spiritual Director can work with you to find a sponsor if you are facing financial hardship.

Where are "in person" Spiritual Direction sessions held?

In person sessions are held at the Parish Church of St. Jerome. However, if meeting in a religious environment is problematic for you, your Spiritual Director will work with you to find an   alternative location.

Can Spiritual Direction sessions be held online?

Yes! Spiritual Direction sessions can be held online or in a hybrid format according to your scheduling needs.

Questions before getting started? Reach out.