“I don’t need to believe. I know.”
- C.J. Jung
A Jungian Approach
When asked if he believed in God, Carl Jung, the great Swiss psychiatrist and founder of the Analytical school of Depth Psychology responded, “I do not need to believe, I know.” To embrace a Jungian approach to Spiritual Direction is seek this deeply intimate, experiential way of knowing - knowing God and embracing others by coming face to face with our deepest, truest selves.
Jungian Explorations
In Jungian Spiritual Direction we explore the Trinitarian Self (Ego, Personal Unconscious, Collective Unconscious), the Animating Tension of the Persona and the Shadow, the Interplay of Anima and Animus in Identity and Relational Expression, Archetypes and the Significance of Dreams, Narrative Journeys Toward Individuation, and Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicity.
Jungian Methods
Jungian Spiritual Direction undertakes the traditional goals of the Spiritual Direction relationship using some untraditional methods. While each Spiritual Direction relationship is unique, Deep Calls to Deep sessions may include:
Myth & Fairy Tale Work
Archetypal Dream Work & Journaling
Active Imagination & Word Association
Narrative Explanations & Explorations
Finding God & Self in Fine Arts, Creative Expression, & Nature
Intentional Activism & Community Engagement
“Deep” Explorations of Liturgy, Sacraments, Life Cycle Events, Sacred Objects, Poetry, Sacred Stories, & Spiritual Practices